Mori 11/18/21

Mori (MOR-ee) derived from Memento Mori is my first NFT project on the Ethereum blockchain.

I’ve been attracted to skulls my entire life. Whether it was from my early fascination with pirates and their flags or King Tut’s golden sarcophagus and mummy images, skulls and death have been something I've found myself drawing and creating even from an early age.

To me, a skull represents a reminder to live your life and not fear death. Live life to the fullest, be smart, and enjoy the beauty around us, but don’t hesitate to take risks. This is a mantra I try and live my life by and what better way to introduce myself and art to the world than with Mori.

Enjoy life. Enjoy art. Be kind but also go attack everything you do with vigor and don’t worry what people think. Life is just a short trip on this spinning dirt ball in outer space, don't sweat the small stuff.

There are 21 Mori pieces in the collection, some are complex, some are simple, but each have attained my full attention to detail and have achieved my stamp of approval.

I will be printing each Mori once for the collector that requests a print, each NFT will only be printed once. Mori are designed in Photoshop at 18" X 24" at 250 dpi and will be only printed at this size (pending). There will be a 'at cost' fee for printing and shipping. Please email me at to start the process. Click below on 'owner info' for the list of printed Mori and details.

Click sales sheet for all the information you need for the release of Mori.

Mori #01
Mori #02
Mori #03
Mori #04
Mori #05
Mori #06
Mori #07
Mori #08
Mori #09
Mori #10
Mori #11
Mori #12
Mori #13
Mori #14
Mori #15
Mori #16
Mori #17
Mori #18
Mori #19
Mori #20
Mori #00